Video - Art Mondrian: In this Video Installation & Installation I deconstruct, rethink this dynamic, co-relation, co-existence, co-variation, generalization, stability, function, influences of all this dialect using and playing with Mondrian structural and composition artwork and his historical-socio-cultural context.
Video - Art A Poet in New York: In this Project Beatriz Albuquerque explores the poems of Federico Garcia Lorca who wrote in NY a collection of poems that were compiled in a book entitled POETA EN NUEVA YORK” (1929-1930).
Video - Art LIBERAcTION: In this concrete text video, the viewer think of Marcuse´s view of liberation - that is, the experience of a work of art carries the potential for a revolution that liberates. This video also possesses a twist on Foucault´s idea that power and surveillance are embedded in structure itself.