Selected Solo Exhibitions and Projects
In 2020, I began the year showing my ceramic installation (487 sculptures) called "Food Porn XXX" at Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum, part of the exhibition "Fuck Art, Let's Eat" organized by Fernando Santos Gallery, which opened to the public on February 22.
On the 7th of March, I performed my interactive piece "Work For Free" for one hour; in this piece, I offer myself to work for free to create any artwork desired by the audience. Nine persons interacted with me while I performed inside my installation called "Work For Free: Documentation" at the Art Center Oliva, part the exhibition "Trabalho Capital" during the closing reception.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced that the COVID-19 outbreak can be characterized as a pandemic (which started in China in 2019) and all art events and culture were closed and postponed for an unknown date, along with many museums and institutions around the world.
In April, I was awarded an Artist & Culture Grant by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation that continued supporting culture during this time.
In May of 2020 -- as happened with many artists around the world -- projects, research, performances and exhibitions were postponed until the next year(s), and in some cases became virtual. In June, my performative interaction called "Community Media Art Performance Challenge", where I perform my "rEvolution project", happened virtually at the Figment Festival New York (online).
Fall of 2020, my "Work For Free" installation (2009-2019) that was showned in Cerveira Biennial, became part of the Coleção Municipal de Arte - Câmara Municipal do Porto collection, which continued supporting artists during this time.